Pavement Maintenance Solutions
From sealcoating to line striping, to milling and more, Go iLawn is a powerful tool for delivering jobs that please your customers and maximize your profits.
Turn Property Measurement Liabilities into Assets
Time and travel costs for onsite property measurement keep increasing. Go iLawn turns these losses into gains by removing inefficiencies from the measuring process.
With Go iLawn:
- Anyone on your staff (from administrator to head estimator) can measure any property in the U.S. or Canada.
- You can dramatically reduce drive time (labor), wear-and-tear on vehicles and fuel costs associated with property measurement.
- Your site visits become quality inspections that impress your prospects and build your competitive sales advantage.
Start profiting from Go iLawn today.
Go iLawn Gives you the Right Tools for the Job
Go iLawn combines property photos and measuring tools in one easy-to-use application. The photos on Go iLawn sit on a scale that will adjust on its own as you zoom in and out on a property photo.
Go iLawn users can measure any outdoor surface in the photo; parking lots, roadways, rooftops and more. Accurately measure:
- Square feet or square yards
- Linear distance
- Count parking stalls, speed bumps, light poles, parking lot entrances, drains, arrows etc.
Start putting Go iLawn tools to work for you today.
Quickly Determine Product and Equipment Needs
Have you ever overestimated or, even worse, underestimated the amount of materials needed for a job?
With Go iLawn you’ll know exactly how much product, how many crew members and what type of equipment to use, so you can get the job done right the first time.
- Calculate how much aggregate you need to cover a surface area
- Define what equipment is needed and operable at any location
- Determine how many crew members are needed to get the job done
Works for All Property Types
Go iLawn offers 100% coverage of the U.S. and Canada.
View any size property on the site. Your reach is endless:
- Commercial
- Residential
- Industrial
- Homeowner’s Assocations
- Golf Courses
- Military Bases
- Airports
Go iLawn Turns Your Measurements into Bids Fast
Measuring on Go iLawn not only allows you turn your estimate around faster, it helps you measure more properties so you can bid more jobs and win more sales.
Instead of wasting time driving across town from one property to the next, you’ll impress your prospects with quick responses and fast bid turnaround.
See how Go iLawn can help you produce better bids today.
Go iLawn is Integrated with Smart Business Tools You Already Use
Do you use Microsoft Excel?
With a click of a button, your Go iLawn measurements export to an Excel spreadsheet.
Save a comprehensive record of all Go iLawn property measurements and objects counted (such as parking stalls) to your computer.
Go iLawn Site Diagrams for the “WOW!” Factor
Keep your crew clear, focused and efficient on the job.
Use Go iLawn site maps to visually assign work and ensure work is done right the first time.
Print three copies, one for your property manager, crew foreman and office staff and everyone will be on the same page (literally) about what needs to get done.
Your Go iLawn site maps are also powerful customer service and sales tools.
Use them to show your customers exactly when you will service their property, who will be on-site, and how you will execute the service.
Win More Sales
Go iLawn pays for itself from the first time you use it.
When you reduce the time and expense of property measurement the savings flow to your bottom line.
Plus, your resources are free to focus on satisfying your customers – which generates more referrals.
Discover how Go iLawn can create a profit ripple effect throughout your business.
Have Questions? Need Help? Click Here To Contact Us.
Or Call: 800.270.6782