Send Us Your Symbols of Summer

What is symbolic for summer at your landscaping company?
So many ideas come to mind about what summer might look like, feel like, and smell like for landscape contractors; the aroma of freshly cut grass, the beauty of a perfectly striped lawn, the sound of a mower starting up.
So what is your summer story? We want to see and/or hear about something that is symbolic for summer at your service business.
Why? Because we want to showcase the hard work and long days landscapers grind out all summer long, as well as the benefits and satisfaction they get from their work in our “This is How We Roll; Summer Through the Eyes of a Service Contractor” eBook.
So fill out the form below to share a quote, photo or a short explanation of what summer means to you at your landscaping company to help us get the summer stories of landscapers across North America out there. Upload your company logo too if you would like and we’ll include it in the eBook as well!